Sunday, October 12, 2008

last light in the field

Ok, so I love the light in the field so much I had to go back. I decided to see what I could accomplish in the last 30 minutes of light.
I got my 'Brookstone' model Meg to volunteer ( home from college for the weekend)
My first idea was something fun and spirited for a greeting card company I am shooting for.

We got one of Megs prom dresses and funked it up with a scarf, rubber boots and a flower in the hair
We arrived at 5:35 and it was still very bright.
Also, Meg is a bit taller than my last subject and I didn't have an assistant.
So, I needed her to shrink in order to avoid serious lens flare.
I had to use my hand in front of the lens to keep the flare out.
This is what we came up with.

We moved on down the path for a pretty full length shot

I had a quick minute for a close up or two.

Now for the running shots. By the time we got a few practice running shots in the sun had dropped to the horizon.
Now the sun is behingd the horizon but what I have learned is you can continue to shoot and the results can be very flattering.

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